Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Time is Flying By

My boss was gone all week at a conference in Ireland, so although it’s great to work with her in the office, it was nice to be able focus on my project for the college tour this summer without having to worry about the other odd jobs that she gives me when she is here. This project is the project that keeps on giving. Every time I think that I am finally finished with it, something didn’t save, or I didn’t include something, or some information was incorrect. This project took forever, and although I have finally finished creating the profiles for each college, I still have to create the rest of the booklet, which shouldn’t take too long because it’s just the cover, index, layout, and map of the tour. Also, for my new co-curricular this term I am helping out with the photography club, which has been great to far to help with something that I really love. 
My weekend was pretty quite, and on Saturday I took a shuttle to Amman to a coffee shop that I love going to for some real coffee. They only have Nescafe on the campus, and I’ve found that I’m getting weirdly addicted to instant coffee. So I had some real coffee on Saturday morning, and instead of taking that shuttle back to the school, I stuck around Amman to wait for another shuttle that was taking students to the downtown. I was really proud of myself because I was able to find my way from the coffee shop to the downtown to get picked up. It’s not very far, but I was really happy because Amman is not the easiest city to navigate, it does not run on a grid like most American cities, instead it is a maze of windy streets that go up and down hills and valleys with a ridiculous amount of traffic circles. So I found my way to the old downtown, bought a few trinkets and movies, and made my way back to campus that afternoon. 
On Sunday, my moms good friend who set me up with the Junior Fellow program stopped at King’s for the bi-annual university fair that the company organizes at schools around the Middle East. It was really strange because before I left, she told me that she was going to go to Jordan at the end of March, and before I left in early January, that seemed like forever. I cannot believe how quickly my time has gone by here, I have six weekends left, so I really have to plan each one thoroughly so that I don’t miss out on any little thing. 
My office let me take the day off, and I went around with my moms friend to two other high schools in Amman where she was having a fair, and later a hotel downtown for a larger fair open to high school students of Amman interested in attending American universities. The fair finished at around nine pm, and before ten her aunt and cousin who live in Amman came to pick us up and we went out to dinner at restaurant in an old large house downtown, with the dinning hall on the top floor with glass walls overlooking a sparkling hillside of downtown Amman. At around 11:30 we finished dinner and said good bye, because she was leaving in the morning for Kuwait for the next fair. It was absolutely wonderful to see a family friend from home, and to spend time with a family in general, because you really don’t have that at a boarding school.  


  1. Hello Stephan!

    Sorry for the delay in responses, but baby Wyatt is now here and I took some time off from journals. Now I'm back and ready to read and respond again.

    I loved reading about your trip into the desert for a weekend at the Bedouin camp and the camel road trip. Very fun! It sounds like a lovely weekend.

    How nice to spend time with a family friend as well. Evan and I were thinking of you as we watched CNN the other day. They mentioned the "riot" that came through Amman and it made us very worried for you. I know that most of the time you are within the University community, but you do venture out to Amman and other spots and so we were concerned. We're glad you are safe and still having a great time.

    Take care,

  2. Congratulations Melissa and Evan!! No need to worry about me here, we are informed of when any demonstrations are going on, and know the areas to avoid, so that we stay safe. And besides last week, the protests have stayed pretty peaceful the whole time. I am still loving my time, and looking forward to the adventures that await me in my final month!
